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Lumber and sawn timber: Sawn boards (edged)

LTD 'BAIBIŅA' offers a variety of hardwood and softwood timber:

  • Planks of spruce pine and alder, birch or leaf-wood + softwood species mix
  • The length starting from 800mm up to 4000mm
  • Width starting from 75mm to 130mm
  • Thickness starting from 15mm up to 25mm
  • Sorts: А, АВ, В, С

Beams in leaf-wood + softwood species mix or softwood (possible chamfering)

Timber is offered in natural humidity or KD (kiln dried) as well as treated HC2; HC3; HC4 (green or brown)

Lumber and sawn timber: Pallet boards

SIA "Baibiņa" offers various pallet boards made from coniferous and deciduous wood:

- Pine, spruce, or a mix of coniferous wood species  
- Alder, birch, or a mix of deciduous wood species  
- A mix of coniferous and deciduous wood species  

The pallet board blanks are available in natural moisture, kiln-dried, and treated with Tanalith HC2, HC3, or HC4 (green or brown).  

Contact information: +371 26604365, email: baibinas@inbox.lv

Lumber and sawn timber: Fence boards

SIA ‘’Baibiņa’’ ražo un pārdod koka žogu sagataves.

Koka žogu sagatave (vairogs)

"Spalvu malu" žogu dēļi koka nožogošanai no egles vai priedes izejmateriāla ir ideāls risinājums jūsu mājai vai dārzam.

Mūsu izgatavotie žoga dēļi ir pieejami impregnēti zaļi vai brūni, kas nodrošina aizsardzību pret koksnes puvi līdz 25 gadiem atkarībā no izvēlētās apstrādes. Šos klasiskos dēļus izmanto nožogošanai, kas ir konstrukcija no vertikāliem ‘spalvu malu’ vienam otru pārklājošiem dēļiem, kas sniedz ilgstspējīgu un stabilu rezultātu.

Materiāls: priedes un egles izejmateriāls

Apstrāde (impregnācija): tanalīts HC2 / HC3 / HC4 zaļš vai brūns

Koka žogu sagatave (vairogs)
Biezums (mm)20/21/22
Platums (mm)100/123/125/150
Garums (mm)800/900/1000/1200/1500/1650/1800/2100/2400

Koka žogu sagatave (cappings)

Žogu paneļiem tiek izmantoti pārseguma elementi (cappings), lai izveidotu skaistu un vizuāli pabeigtu apdari.
Izgatavoti no augstākās kvalitātes skujkoka materiāla, pārsegi tiek apstrādāti ar tanalītu (zaļu vai brūnu), kas kā galaprodukts kalpo vairāk nekā 25 gadus.

Materiāls: priedes vai egles izejmateriāla miksējums, priede vai egle atsevišķās pakās

Apstrāde (impregnācija): tanalīts HC2 / HC3 / HC4 zaļš vai brūns

Koka žogu sagatave (cappings)
Biezums (mm)15
Platums (mm)43/48/60/63
Garums (mm)1828

Kontaktinformācija +371 26604365, e-pasts baibinas@inbox.lv

Wooden tare: Pallets

One way pallets

According to customer’s requests, LTD ''BAIBIŅA'' manufactures various types of single one way pallets of standard dimensions – 1200×800 mm, 800×800 mm, 800x600mmm, 600×400 mm, with heat treatment possibility in accordance with ISPM15 / IPPC requirements, or the complete kiln drying of the pallets to optimal humidity content.

Stringer Pallets

SIA BAIBINA RSEZ, your premier provider of high-quality Stringer Pallets (GMA). Our Stringer Pallets are expertly crafted to meet the industry's highest standards, ensuring reliability and durability for all your shipping and storage needs. Made from top-notch materials, our Stringer Pallets offer exceptional strength and stability, allowing them to efficiently handle heavy loads with ease. They are designed to optimize space utilization, reducing shipping costs and maximizing warehouse efficiency. With an unwavering commitment to sustainability, our Stringer Pallets are also eco-friendly, contributing to a greener environment.

CP pallets

Originally intended as packaging material for the German chemical industry, but gradually became popular in other industrial sectors throughout Europe.

We manufacture following types of CP pallets – CP1, CP2, CP3, CP5, CP6, CP8, CP9. Additionally, we offer heat treatment possibility in accordance with ISPM15 / IPPC requirements, or the complete kiln drying of the pallets to optimal humidity content.

Non-standart pallets

Non-standard pallets are manufactured according to the customer’s specifications and needs for different types of loads. Additionally we offer heat treatment possibility in accordance with ISPM15 / IPPC requirements, or the complete kiln drying of the pallets to optimal humidity content.